Have you tried using the 28 Days of Loving More, the calendar I shared last week? The activity for yesterday was to send an “I love you” text to someone who needs it. I sent it to several family members, and it made MY day to tell them that, and then get an “I love you” response from them! Saying “I love you” to someone can be done in a lot of little ways, without ever saying those 3 words. Because while those 3 words are awfully nice to hear, it can be difficult for some folks to say them, no matter how deeply they feel it. Or maybe some people use that phrase too often, and it’s their actions that show you how they really feel. Lately I’ve been hearing a lot of negativity. And not just from my own mouth. 😉 I think we live in a very tense society right now. No matter who you wanted to be in office right now, the reality is that tensions are high all around us and everything feels negatively charged. I think that a lot of us are anxious about the world in general, and we’ve gotten to where we’re allowing that to steer our emotions to being rude to people we love and care about. We see it constantly in the world around us, and it has become socially acceptable to be rude instead of tactful and gentle. So the next time you’re frustrated by the way things are going or being done, take a step back. Take a deep breath, or ten. Is this what’s really bothering you, or is it something bigger but this issue/person is easier to attack? Is this something that is worth complaining about, being rude about, offending a friend over, or should you actually tell the person thank you for taking the time to try? Can you help by giving of your time or even making connections with a third person so that the person doing something isn’t alone in their efforts? I don’t think any of us want to hurt the feelings of others. I don’t think any of us are being intentionally rude. I do think we all (and I am definitely included in that “all”) need show more grace with one another. None of us can “fix” another person, but we can treat one another gently and with love. If you want to think more about this, check out the article attached in the “Lay Leadership” section below. Peace, Pastor Heather |